Sunday, April 29, 2007

Something nice

Next time Bud comes by, and it may be soon, I am going to ask him how to attach this mezuzah. N has been working on his Aleph award for Cub Scouts and he made a mezuzah as part of the requirements. It has a little piece of a map of this area on it. You can see HP and Lexington. It is cute. Now I just need to find out how to attach it.


Trials of a mobile homeowner

Whining alert. Read no further if you know what's good for you.

Today has been very frustrating. A and her friends spent last night in the trailer for a birthday party sleepover. Sometime in the night they lost power. I have spent hours this afternoon trying to find the problem. Also I had to work on the water hoses - there has been a persistent slow drip. After replacing a connector and using teflon tape, I fixed the drip. Tomorrow, I'll have to call my man Bud, the mobile RV repairman about the power problem. He should be resting easy now - we make regular payments to his daughter's college fund, it seems.


Friday, April 27, 2007

Attempt at photos

The purpose of this blog is to keep our families informed as we take our first real RV trip. Thanks to Hallie for the idea. I plan to let all the family members blog as we go along but I am setting things up.

We bought this lovely trailer from our friends earlier in the year. We are very excited about using it. We took a "shakedown" trip on Easter weekend. It was cold and miserable but we learned a lot.

This is the gas-guzzler that will pull the trailer.

AKA The Kurgan

These are some inside photos.

The "living room"

The master bedroom

I am a little clumsy with the pictures but I will keep working on it. Yakov wants me to show you the bathroom for the size-impaired, but not our size-impairment. Maybe next time.

Thursday, April 26, 2007