Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I feel good this morning. And that is a change. I have been having some knee problems that I greatly exacerbated Saturday while doing something with Noach. Saturday night I could not sleep so Sunday was a day of restlessness, discomfort, and napping. Finally late yesterday I got a cortisone injection in my knee as a trial before going to arthroscopic surgery. And I am optimistic that this is going to work.

Why oops? Because I got up early with JP, as I usually do, and because I felt so energized I stripped the bed to wash the sheets. Now I can't go back to bed, as I often do. Oh well, I'll just enjoy this cool morning, also a change from the last week or so, and wait for dawn to come when I can take my book outside and read and watch the birds.

I feel good this morning. PRM

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