Thursday, January 10, 2008

Editor in chief, revisited

Last month I wrote

When he was younger and I transcribed his narrations, he would narrate stories much longer and more elaborate than the originals. Now that I ask him to write his own narrations, he produces short and stunted works. Sometimes when we sit together to edit, I can get him to be creative and use the Synonym Finder to spice up the writing. He is always allowed to use the keyboard, but perhaps I should man the keyboard when we are editing. I think I will try that next time.

Well I am trying this now, with success so far. He narrated the story of Perseus yesterday, which I typed for him. It was over a page long. Today he will edit it, something that may not go so smoothly but I do expect it to be better than in the past. I left most of my typos uncorrected. And he needs to use some more descriptive words. I am anxious to see how this works out. PRM

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